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Animated Slot Machine

This is an animated slot machine. We use a timer and a subprogram to create the animation effect. Besides, you have to add the Multimedia Control to produce the sound effects. To include the multimedia control as one of the tools, click on project on the menu and select components, then click on Microsoft Multimedia Control 6.0. Drag the Multimedia Control into your form and make it invisible at startup. In this program, we use two Multimedia controls, one for playing the spinning sound and the other for the jackpot sound. Below is the video demo of the slot machine simulator.

The code

Dim amount ,x, a, b, c  As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Timer1.Enabled = True
 MMControl1.Command = "Close"
 MMControl2.Command = "close"
 x = 0
 Label2.Caption = "Your Credits"
 amount = Val(Text1)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
 Label1.Caption = " Welcome to Play"
 Label3.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub instruct_click()
 Label3.Visible = True
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
 amount = Val(Text1)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
 If x < 500 Then
  Timer1.Enabled = False
  MMControl1.Command = "Stop"
  Label1.Alignment = 2

  If (a = 3 And b = 3 And c <> 3) Or (a = 3 And c = 3 And b <> 3) Or (b = 3 And c = 3 And a <> 3) Then
   Label1.Caption = " You win 20 dollars"
   amount = amount + 20
  End If

If (a = 4 And b = 4 And c <> 4) Or (a = 4 And c = 4 And b <> 4) Or (b = 4 And c= 4 And a <> 4) Then Label1.Caption = " You win 30 dollars" amount = amount + 30 End If If (a = 5 And b = 5 And c <> 5) Or (a = 5 And c = 5 And b <> 5) Or (b = 5 And c= 5 And a <> 5) Then Label1.Caption = " You win 40 dollars" amount = amount + 40 End If If (a = 3 And b = 3 And c = 3) Or (a = 4 And b = 4 And c = 4) Or (a = 5 And b =5 And c = 5) Then MMControl2.Notify = False MMControl2.Wait = True MMControl2.Shareable = False MMControl2.DeviceType = "WaveAudio" MMControl2.FileName = "D:\Liew Folder\VB program\audio\endgame.wav" MMControl2.Command = "Open" MMControl2.Command = "Play" Label1.Caption = " Congratulation! Jackpot!!! You win 200 dollars!" amount = amount + 200 End If If (a = 3 And b = 4 And c = 5) Or (a = 3 And b = 5 And c = 4) Or (a = 4 And b =3 And c = 5) Or (a = 4 And b = 5 And c = 3) Or (a = 5 And b = 4 And c = 3) Or (a= 5 And b = 3 And c = 4) Then Label1.Caption = " Too bad, you lost 50 dollars" amount = amount - 50 End If If amount < 0 Then Label1.Caption = "Oh! you're bankrupt!" Text1.Text = Str$(amount) End If End Sub Sub spin( ) x = x + 10 a = 3 + Int(Rnd * 3) b = 3 + Int(Rnd * 3) c = 3 + Int(Rnd * 3) MMControl1.Notify = False MMControl1.Wait = True MMControl1.Shareable = False MMControl1.DeviceType = "WaveAudio" MMControl1.FileName = "D:\Liew Folder\VB program\audio\slot2.wav" MMControl1.Command = "Open" MMControl1.Command = "Play" Label1.Caption = "Good Luck!" Label1.Alignment = a - 3 Shape1(0).Shape = a If a = 3 Then Shape1(0).FillColor = &HFF00& End If If a = 4 Then Shape1(0).FillColor = &HFF00FF End If If a = 5 Then Shape1(0).FillColor = &HFF0000 End If Shape1(1).Shape = b If b = 3 Then Shape1(1).FillColor = &HFF00& End If If b = 4 Then Shape1(1).FillColor = &HFF00FF End If If b = 5 Then Shape1(1).FillColor = &HFF0000 End If Shape1(2).Shape = c If c = 3 Then Shape1(2).FillColor = &HFF00& End If If c = 4 Then Shape1(2).FillColor = &HFF00FF End If If c = 5 Then Shape1(2).FillColor = &HFF0000 End If End Sub


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