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Jigsaw Puzzle

We are sure everybody has played the jigsaw puzzle before, that is to fix the pieces of a picture that were cut into pieces and jumbled up. There are many levels of difficulties but eventually you can solve the puzzle. Here we have designed a simple 3x3 jigsaw puzzle with Visual Basic 6. We have programmed it in such a way that you can drag and drop the pieces in the squares that you think are correct. If the piece is correct, it will stay in the correct square otherwise it will not stay there.

The Interface

The Code

To be able to drag and drop an object, we need to use the DragDrop method.

Dim imgindex As Integer
Dim imgtag As String
Private Sub Image1_DragDrop(Index As Integer, Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
imgtag = Source.Tag
imgindex = Index
Select Case imgindex
Case 0
If imgtag = "11" Then
Image1(0).Picture = Image1(9).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 1
If imgtag = "12" Then
Image1(1).Picture = Image1(10).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 2
If imgtag = 13 Then
Image1(2).Picture = Image1(11).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 3
If imgtag = 21 Then
Image1(3).Picture = Image1(12).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 4
If imgtag = 22 Then
Image1(4).Picture = Image1(13).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If>
Case 5
If imgtag = 23 Then
Image1(5).Picture = Image1(14).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 6
If imgtag = 31 Then
Image1(6).Picture = Image1(15).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 7
If imgtag = 32 Then
Image1(7).Picture = Image1(16).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
Case 8
If imgtag = 33 Then
Image1(8).Picture = Image1(17).Picture
Source.Visible = False
Source.Visible = True
End If
End Select
End Sub


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