
Thank you for using our website as a platform for learning Visual Basic programming. You might be a student who is learning Visual Basic to prepare for an exam, a programmer who is trying to get some ideas to create a project for your organization, an expert programmer of other computer languages who is trying to master Visual Basic or you might be just a pure hobbyist in Visual Basic, we are pretty sure you have benefited from our site in on way or another.

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Online Programming Classes

Interested in learning to program in languages other than Visual Basic? Don’t have a great budget? Then you should consider taking online courses in programming. You can get a good education and acquire the skills that you need for low or no cost at all.

Do you know that you can take online courses from universities like Yale or MIT for free? These universities provide video and audio of their classes, lecture notes, project samples, online textbooks, assignments and solutions, and so on. For example, MIT publishes course content from many of its programming classes on MIT Open Courseware, which includes classes like “Introduction to Computer Science and Programming”, “Introduction to C++”, and “Software Engineering for Web Applications”. Another example is Stanford for iTunes, which allows you to download classes straight to your iTunes and listen to them on your iPod!

Of course, you can also take programming courses from online universities for much lower costs than attending a regular university. These classes tend to be very flexible, which allows you to balance working and studying, and specific, which allows you to gain skills that will be of practical use to you. The problem is finding quality classes that suit you well. We recommend using websites like to help you find the best courses.