You can create all kinds of financial calculators in Visual Basic easily as long as long you know the relevant formulas.
For example, you can create a future value calculator using the following formula:
FV = PV * (1 + i / 100)n
FV=Future Value
PV=Present Value
n=Number of periods
You simply create a function for the future value, as follows:
Private Function FV(pv As Single, i As Single, n As Integer) As Double
FV = pv * (1 + i / 100) ^ n
End Function
You then write code for a button where it can compute the future value when the user clicks on the button, as follows:
Private Sub BtnCal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnCal.Click
Dim FutureVal As Single
Dim PresentVal As Single
Dim interest As Single
Dim period As Integer
PresentVal = TxtPV.Text
interest = TxtInt.Text
period = TxtN.Text
FutureVal = FV(PresentVal, interest, period)
LblFV.Text = Format(FutureVal, “$#,##0.00”)
End Sub
Some of the financial calculators created by us are: