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This program creates a die which can be used to play board games. It can also be incorporated into VB games that require a dice. VB games that you can create in Visual Basic are step and ladder game, monopoly and more. First of all, you draw a rounded square in the project windows. Secondly, you need to draw an array of 7 dots and VB will automatically labeled them as shape1(0), shape1(1),shape1(2),  shape1(3), shape1(4), shape1(5) and shape1(6). You can control the appearance of the dots using the random function RND.

The Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Randomize Timer
n = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
For i = 0 To 6
Shape1(i).Visible = False

If n = 1 Then
Shape1(3).Visible = True
End If

If n = 2 Then
Shape1(2).Visible = True
Shape1(4).Visible = True
End If

If n = 3 Then
Shape1(2).Visible = True
Shape1(3).Visible = True
Shape1(4).Visible = True
End If

If n = 4 Then
Shape1(0).Visible = True
Shape1(2).Visible = True
Shape1(4).Visible = True
Shape1(6).Visible = True
End If

If n = 5 Then
Shape1(0).Visible = True
Shape1(2).Visible = True
Shape1(3).Visible = True
Shape1(4).Visible = True
Shape1(6).Visible = True

End If
If n = 6 Then
Shape1(0).Visible = True
Shape1(1).Visible = True
Shape1(2).Visible = True
Shape1(4).Visible = True
Shape1(5).Visible = True
Shape1(6).Visible = True

End If
End Sub

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