
Thank you for using our website as a platform for learning Visual Basic programming. You might be a student who is learning Visual Basic to prepare for an exam, a programmer who is trying to get some ideas to create a project for your organization, an expert programmer of other computer languages who is trying to master Visual Basic or you might be just a pure hobbyist in Visual Basic, we are pretty sure you have benefited from our site in on way or another.

We are making our utmost effort to maintain and upgrade our site from time to time to make it useful and relevance for you. However, as we are running a free website, we are facing financial difficulties especially in paying our server and hosting fees that runs to thousands of dollars. We also need to pay our freelance programmers for contributing their ideas and programs. Therefore, to keep the site going and to further develop this site, we sincerely hope that you can help us financially making a donation to us, any amount is appreciated.

If you wish to donate, please click on the button below, thank you.