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Lesson 15: Creating Multimedia Applications


You can create various multimedia applications in VB that could play audio CD, audiofiles, VCD , video files and etc.

To be able to play multimedia files or multimedia devices, you have to insert Microsoft Multimedia Control into your VB applications

that you are going to create. However, Microsoft Multimedia Control is not normally included in the startup toolbox, therefore you need

to add the MM control by pressing Ctrl+T and select it from the components dialog box that is displayed.


15.1 Creating a CD player


(a) The Interface.









First of all, you place a Multimedia control into your form and rename it as any name of your choice. Here I use myCD to replace the default name MMControl1. Next, you can put two labels on your form, change caption of  the left  label to Track and rename the one on the right to trackNum and make its caption invisible(this lable is to display CD track numbers at runtime.). Finally, put five command buttons in your form and name them as Play, Next, Previous, Stop and Exit. You can also choose to make the MM Control visible or invisible at runtime. If you choose to make it visible,you could play the CD using the buttons available on the control itself or you can click on the buttons at the bottom that are created by you.


(b) The Code


Private Sub Form_Load()

¡®To position the page at the center

Left = (Screen.Width ¨C Width) \ 2

Top = (Screen.Height ¨C Height) \ 2

¡®Open the CD

myCD.Command = ¡°Open¡±


End Sub

Private Sub myCD_StatusUpdate()

¡®Update the track number

trackNum.Caption = myCD.Track

End Sub


Private Sub Next_Click()

myCD.Command = ¡°Next¡±

End Sub


Private Sub Play_Click()

myCD.Command = ¡°Play¡±


End Sub


Private Sub Previous_Click()

myCD.Command = ¡°Prev¡±

End Sub


Private Sub Stop_Click()

myCD.Command = ¡°Stop¡±

End Sub

Private Sub Exit_Click()


End Sub

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