About the Author

  The author holds a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, a Master Degree in Management and a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration. He obtained the DBA  degree from University of South Australia.

He has been involved in programming for more than 15 years. He created the popular online Visual Basic Tutorial at www.vbtutor.net  in 1996 and since then the web site has attracted millions of visitors .It is the top ranked Visual Basic tutorial website in many search engines including Google. He has also written a few Visual Basic related books. One of the books, Visual Basic 6 Made Easy was published by BookSurge LLC, an Amazon.com publisher. The rest are ebooks. Learn more about the author at helium.com





A Special Message from the Author

I am actively involved in running my online business while I am not computing. I have cash flow from the Internet all the time and my income is equivalent if not better than a fulltime job!

I have created an online business guide to share my ideas with you on how to start an online business to generate part-time or fulltime income. By following the online guide, you should be able to earn good and genuine income from the Internet in a short time. In this time of worldwide financial crisis, everyone should learn how to earn some supplementary incomes.

Take a look at this business guide when you have the free time, who knows you might be able to earn substantial income from the Internet in near future, don't miss the opportunity.

The online business guide is written in a clear and simple way so that everyone can start an online business almost instantly. Now click on the banner below to visit the website.

Wish that you will have a successful online business soon.

Warmest Regards



If you wish to contact the me, please send en email to : [email protected]

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