Visual Basic  Glossary

Caption This the property that determines the text displays on a control such as the label. example: label1.caption="Enter"

This a control that is used to express optional features, namely checked or unchecked.


                     If checkbox1.Value=vbchecked  Then

                             MsgBox("Best Choice")

                     End If


Chr or Chr$ Returns the Character for a specified ASCII code        Example:   Chr(65)=A

The circle method is used to draw circle, sector , arc as well as ellipse.

The general format to draw circle is

i)  Circle (x, y ),r    will draw a circle with coordinates (x,y) and radius r.

ii) Circle (x,y),r, color,-angle1,-angle2  where angle1 and angle 2 are measured in radians.

iii) Circle (x,y),r, color,angle1,angle2  where angle1 and angle 2 are measured in radians.    (Notice that the signs in front  of the angles are positive)

iv) Circle (x, y ),r ,color,,,ratio   will draw an ellipse with certain ratio


Cls The method that clears any previous display on the form or a picture box.   Example:Picture1.Cls
Cos Returns the cosine of an angle x (expressed in radian)  Example: Cos((4*Atn(1)/180)*60)=0.5




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